Klein ISD Communicable Illness Policy
Chickenpox (Varicella): Readmit after 7 days from onset of rash, except immune compromised individuals who should not return until all blisters have crusted over (may be longer than 7 days). Conjunctivitis (bacterial and/or viral): Readmit after a physician's certificate or health permit is obtained or after prescription medication has been initiated. Diphtheria: Readmit after a physician's certificate or health permit so obtained. Report suspected cases immediately to local health department. Fever (100F or greater): Readmit when the child has been free of fever for 24 hours. Gastroenteritis, viral: Readmit when diarrhea subsides. Head lice (pediculosis): Students found to have nits less than 1/4 inch from the scalp or live lice will be excluded from school. They will be readmitted when: one medicated shampoo or lotion treatment has been given and documentation indicating type of treatment is provided to the school nurse nits within 1/4 inch of the scalp have been removed. the school nurse finds no evidence of nits within 1/4 inch of the scalp and no lice. The student must be checked by the nurse before returning to class. (If the nurse finds live lice still in evidence, the parent will be notified and the student excluded.) Hepatitis, viral type A: Readmit after 1 week from onset of illness. Immune globulin should be given to household contacts. If more than one case occurs in a school, immune globulin should be considered for all children and parents involved. Impetigo: Readmit when treatment has begun. Influenza: Readmit when symptoms subside and the child has been free of fever for 24 hours. Measles (rubeola): Readmit after 4 days from rash onset. In an outbreak, unimmunized children should also be excluded for a least 2 weeks after last rash onset occurs. Report suspect cases immediately to local health department. Meningitis, bacterial: Readmit after a physician's certificate or health permit is obtained. Depending on which bacteria are causing the illness, prophylactic antibiotics may be recommended for family members. Occasionally, close contacts at a school are also treated. Meningitis, viral (Aseptic meningitis): Rarely serious. Usually caused by common viruses such as herpes simplex, adenovirus, or coxsackie virus. Investigation of contacts and source of infection usually not indicated. Readmit to school if no fever. Mumps: Readmit after 9 days from the onset of swelling. Pertussis (whooping cough): Readmit after 5 days of antibiotic therapy. Unimmunized contacts should be immunized and receive antibiotic prophylaxis. Report suspected cases immediately to local health department. Poliomyelitis: Readmit after a physician's certificate or health permit is obtained. Report cased immediately to local health department. Ringworm of the scalp: Readmit when treatment has begun. Ringworm of the skin: Admit provided lesions are covered. Treatment is recommended. Rubella (German measles): Readmit after 7 days from rash onset. In an outbreak, unimmunized children should be excluded for at least 3 weeks after last rash onset occurs. Report suspected cased immediately to local health department. Salmonellosis: Readmit when diarrhea subsides. Scabies: Readmit when treatment has begun. Careful examination of close contacts required to identify early infection. Household members should be treated prophylactically. Shigellosis: Readmit when diarrhea subsides. Streptococcal sore throat and scarlet fever: Readmit after 24 hours from time antibiotic treatment began. Tuberculosis, pulmonary: Readmit after antibiotic treatment has begun, and a physician's certificate or health permit is obtained. All classroom contacts should have TB skin tests. Antibiotic prophylaxis indicated for newly positive reactors. Tuberculosis skin test, positive: If the student has a reactive skin test and is symptomatic of TB, he/she will not be admitted to school until documentation of the chest X-ray is submitted to the school. Admit to school with documentation of a negative chest X-ray or proof of a scheduled appointment for a chest X-ray. Documentation of a negative chest X-ray and evaluation for preventive therapy must be presented to the school after the appointment. |